Teaching staff & structure 2022-23
Karl S. Chu StudioArchitect. Principal of the Metaxy firm and Co-Director of the Master's Degree in BioDigital Architecture of ESARQ School of Architecture - UIC Barcelona, as well as Director of the Institute of Genetic Architectures (IGA) at the School of Architecture, Planning and Restoration of the Columbia University in New York.
More information: Karl Chu - Metaxy Desarrollo de la arquitectura mediante sistemas morfogenéticos, que centran su interés en el modelado de la forma a través de la información genética, mediante el uso de la computación para la generación de algoritmos evolutivos. Development of architecture through morphogenetic systems, which are centered on obtaining form from genetical information, through computational tools for the generation of evolutive algorithms. |
Evan Douglis StudioArchitect, designer and researcher from Cooper Union University and Master from the School of Design at Harvard University of Architecture. Principal of Evan Douglis Studio LLC, and currently Dean of the School of Architecture at the Rensselear Polytechnic Institute in New York.
More information: www.evandouglis.com An architecture and inter-disciplinary design firm committed to innovative design.The firm's unique and cutting edge research into self-generative systems, membrane technology, contemporary fabricational techniques and multi-media installations as applied to a range of diverse projects. The emphasis of this multi-task research and design lab is aimed at synthesizing a broad-based ecology of theoretical and pragmatic concerns, en route to discovering new paradigms of haptic interaction. |
Dennis Dollens StudioArchitect, designer, researcher and publisher. Principal of the biodigital architecture firm Exodesic Architecture based in Santa Fe (USA) and Barcelona.
More information: Dennis Dollens - Tumbletruss Bio-observación, código generativo, y software de crecimiento para hibridación digital y formas de emergencia, superficies, y estructuras arquitectónicas donde células vivas son testeadas como componentes vivos de futuras superficies constructivas. Bio-observation, Generative Code, and Software Growth for digitally hybridizing & growing architectural forms, surfaces, structures, and emerging fields where living cells are being tested as components of future building surfaces. |
Alberto T. Estevez StudioAlberto T. Estévez (Barcelona, 1960), Architect (UPC, 1983), Architecture Ph.D. of Sciences (UPC, 1990), Art Historian (UB, 1994), Art History Ph.D. of Arts (UB, 2008): With professional office of architecture and design (Barcelona, 1983-today). Teaching in different universities for more than 35 years, in the knowledge’s areas of architectural design, architectural theory and art history, until founding the ESARQ (UIC Barcelona, 1996), where he teaches like Professor in Architecture, after being its first Director. He founded also two research lines with two masters’ degrees and Ph.D. programmes: “Genetic Architectures / Biodigital Architecture” (UIC, 2000- today) and “History, Architecture and Design” (UIC, 1998- today). He was also the Founder and 1st Director of the UIC PhD Program of Architecture. He has written more than two hundred publications and has participated in a large number of exhibitions, congresses and conferences around Europe, America and Asia. (www.albertoestevez.com). He was also Vice-Chancellor/General-Manager of UIC Barcelona (Universitat Internacional de Catalunya), and now he is the Founder and Director of iBAG-UIC Barcelona (iNSTITUTE FOR BiODiGITAL ARCHITECTURE & GENETICS).
More information: www.albertoestevez.com Bio-learning en Arquitectura BioDigital y Diseño: investigaciones en torno a la enseñanza que la naturaleza como libro abierto mantiene siempre presente a nuestros ojos, creando protocolos científicos de aplicación genética a la arquitectura, para un coherente y eficiente diseño de estructura, forma / espacio y piel. Bio-learning for BioDigital Architecture & Design: researches related to the teaching that nature, as an open book, keeps always visible to our eyes, creating "scientific protocols" of genetic applications to architecture, for a coherent and efficient design of architecture, form / space and skin. |
François Roche Studio
Architect. Principal of the architecture firm R & Sie (n). Professor at the School of Architecture, Planning and Restoration at Columbia University, New York, at the School of Architecture at USC University of Los Angeles and at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna.
More information: www.new-territories.com Escenarios de hibridación, injerto, clonación, morphing, dan lugar a una transformación perpetua de la arquitectura que lucha para romper con las antinomias entre objeto/sujeto, u objeto/territorio. Scenarios of hybridization, grafting, cloning, morphing give rise to perpetual transformation of architecture which strives to break down the antinomies of object/subject or object/territory. |
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Related LinksBiodigital Archit. Master · ESARQ-UIC Barcelona
Genetic Architectures Group & Office iBAG (iNSTITUTE FOR BiODiGITAL ARCHITECTURE & GENETICS) Alberto T. Estévez, iBAG Director website |